Monday, April 21, 2008

More NeoCon radicalism

Yet again, the psychopaths who would rule the world have distracted me from my studies in Arthurian Romance, etc. and compelled me to spend my meager book-acquisition-funds on Neoconservative Apologia...The better to refute, as well as understand the dangerous growth of Fascism in our once great nation. For that is what this is:Fascism. A union of Corporate and Government interests at the expense of all the rest of us. And this guy is a law proffessor, at UT, no less!!!
Rule by corporation has worked so well these past 8 years,after all... surely we can entrust these immortal fictions with our Natural Rights in order to save us from the scary terrists.....
What a pathetic fearful lot we have become.
I hafta go order this book, now, then stick my finger down my throat at the thought of contributing to this shill's retirement.I will report back when I've read it.

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